Category Archives: mentoring

Write Your Own Memoirs (with a little help)

I’ve been persuaded to try a new way of creating a life story book – especially for those wanting to write their own memoir. Seasoned writer, or otherwise, many people want the greater challenge of writing their life story, rather than having it ghost written. Others prefer their written ‘voice’ to their spoken (transcribed) ‘voice’.

Our dream is for everyone to preserve their story, so we have developed a way to mentor people to allow them to reach their goal – to see their story, written by themselves, turned into an illustrated book. 

Some people will require more ‘hand holding’ than others, but the general idea is to break down the process of writing a memoir into manageable steps: from planning outlines to editing, and from exploring ideas to image selection.

I suppose the greatest benefit of mentoring is having someone to help you through the inevitable hard slog of writing – when you hit a brick wall that seems insurmountable, you have someone to turn to. So, rather than giving up on your memoir and leaving a pile of uncoordinated notes, you can reach your goal and leave behind your life experiences for future generations.

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Filed under editing, memoir, mentoring, writing